Sunday, August 05, 2007

Calling All Independant Film Producers!

Sunday, September 23rd, at 12 NOON EST is your day on Wanda's Way! My listeners and I would like to hear how you do what you do! What drives you to put IT on film? What is a no - what is a go - what is a HAIL NAW!

What color goes with green? Money green that is! We want to know about the process of going from your mind, to paper, to film. Is it a 3 step process or a long ladder with a few broken rungs? - 646-716-7710

Please email me at with the title, Doin' It The Indie Way, and I'll sign you up!

Everybody Needs A Little Luv - get some of yours Wanda's Way!

Wanda D. Hudson
Wait for Love: A Black Girl's Story
Available Now - LuvMe - The Fragrance
Coming Soon - LuvMe - The Book
Everybody Needs A Little Luv...get some of yours Wanda's Way!

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