Sometimes people say things that they absolutely know are ignorant, but want you to believe that what they say will benefit you. Lately I've heard more than my share of That STOOPID ish, and I have to get it out. Read, laugh, and hopefully if you're on the receiving end you'll know how to deflect it. If you're the one scooping it up - you're the type of dumbass that has a Master's Degree.
1. I'll put in a good word for you...
2. Don't worry about it; I already talked to "them" for you...
3. I did it for you...
4. If you do this it will benefit you, not me...
5. If I were you I would...
6. Don't go ask, they'll just tell you no...
7. I didn't think you wanted it...
8. You don't need to be at this meeting; I'll let you know what happens..
9. You should do it like this...
10.Everybody else agrees with me, so you might as well, too...
When you first hear any of these statements, especially if you don't hear them within the same day or week, you may think they're beneficial. NOPE. Don't be fooled by That STOOPID ish. These statements are usually made by people who know you can do their job better than they can and want to make sure you never find out. That STOOPID ish doesn't discriminate nor does it have favorites. Anyone can be a victim because it attacks you at work, your home life and goes extra hard when its financial.
1. I forgot to sign the check? Oh...send it back to me so I can sign it and then I'll send it back to you so you can get your money...
2. I lost my job due to the economy so I can't pay child support until I find another job and I don't know when that will be 'cause I gotta...
3. Do you have any extra money that I can have? I can't pay it back so don't be asking me for it if you give it to me...
4. We don't offer direct deposit but you can't pick your check up until after four and the girl who hands out the checks is off today so you'll have to get it tomorrow...
5. I got the money that I owe you and I will give it to you if you come with me to the mall. If I don't spend it I will give it to you, I promise...
6. Well, he was supposed to pay the bill and since he didn't I'm getting the money from you since you're his sister...
7. Well, since he was supposed to pay the bill he can pay you the money back that I borrowed from you to pay the bill...
8. You can put it all on one tab and I'll just give you what I owe when we get outside...
9. I know you got some money. I don't see why you can't give me some...
10. Naw, I still don't have a job so I can't pay child support, buy a Christmas gift or a birthday present...
That STOOPID ish never goes away. Over the years it has reinvented itself to suit the times. The sad part is, is that we change right along with it and continue to allow it into our life.
1. I'll never cheat again...
2. I thought I could get away with it. Please forgive me...
3. She don't mean nothing to me...
4. I married you didn't I...
5. I only did it 'cause I didn't have anything else to do...
6. I don't know how that number got into my wallet...
7. If you love me you would...
8. You believe her over me...
9. My phone didn't have service last night...
10.She's just a friend....
How do you combat That STOOPID ish? It's easy, but most people won't do it. When someone says some stoopid ish to you immediately put dat ass on BLAST! Don't let them walk away, check'um where they stand.
"Hey, uh, I was gonna help you, but I just remembered that I have something to do..."
"You know you just said some stoopid ish, but it's cool. I expect that kinda stuff from you..."
And then simply walk away. They'll stand there looking at you like, "Huh? I know she didn't just call me out." Let'um stand there. Most people who know they're wrong don't like for you to know their wrong. That just ain't right in their book. Hey, life goes on.
That STOOPID ish is coming to a sentence near you - you have been warned.
I luv you.
1 comment:
Girl, stop the madness. Do we know the same people? Lawd have mercy. This is so on time and right about folk who are TRYING TO HOLD YOU BACK. Don't let them get to you....MAKE YOUR HATERS YOUR MOTIVATORS!
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