1. Who is Brooklyn Darkchild? Brooke??? She so Cra-zy! No really: Brooke is That Girl who's gonna Tell It Like It Is, even if she sticks her foot in it sometimes. Don't ask me a question if you don't really wanna know the answer. Some people find that hard to deal with, but the last thing I want to do is hurt anybody's feelings. I love everybody--well, today anyway. Like all artists I can be quirky and unconventional at times, but I'm really basically a homebody. My family is Everything to me.
2. What are you passionate about? Writing. Good writing. A good book can Take You Places, when I was a kid books were all I had. I'm also passionate about children. They're a heavy responsibility; too many people don't take that into consideration before having them.
3. Why should the world take notice of you? Because I'm good. There's a lot of crap on the shelves today, but This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story isn't part of that. My books are funny and entertaining but they also make you think. I wanna change people's lives with my work, not just give them something to pass away the time.
4. In one year where will you be? In one year my youngest will be seventeen: I'd like to think I'll be Free. But who knows? There are so many places to go, so many things to do... it's hard to make up my mind. I guess I'll just Go With The Flow and see where the Lord will Take Me. Anywhere He decides will be Good.
5.What are your life rules? Be as honest as you possibly can.
Never pass up an opportunity to help someone.
It takes just as much energy to complain as it does to Change Your Life.
Unhappiness is a mindset that can be overcome
Let everything I do please the Lord
6. If you knew you wouldn't get caught what would you do? God is ALWAYS watching.
Yeah, I'm That Girl.
7. 5 Favs -
a. color-sunshine yellow
b. food-fried chicken (and YES: I Do Eat Watermelon)
c. movie-You got a year? Uhhhhh.....Crap, I can't pick one. There's too many. Anything with the Predator in it. OH! OH! WAIT!! Favorite Movie of the Moment??? Terminator Salvation. I watched it every day for a week.
d. song-I love music as much as I love movies. Right now it's "I'm Forgiven" by Sanctus Real and "On and On" by Chasen.
e. drink-Ice Cold Lemonade
8. Do you forgive regardless of what someone has done to you? I've been known to hold a grudge forever but I'm Learning To Let Go with God's help. Notice I said Learning now...
9. If you could change your past would you? Absolutely. I'd change my looks too. But everything I went through made me who I am today and that's not a Bad Thing. It's a Painful Thing, but not a Bad Thing.
10. Fantasy parents - Florida and James or Louise and George? Oh, Florida and James honey. Why? Ain't we lucky we got em???
11. Where can we find you on the net? Like Visa, I'm Everywhere You Wanna Be: on Goodreads, MySpace, Facebook, and my Personal Favorite: Brooklyn Darkchild
12. Fill in the blank with one word - To know Brooklyn Darkchild is to wonder about Brooklyn Darkchild.
Oh, wait: that's Two Words, right??? Sorry...I wasn't Paying Attention. You know I have ADHD.
1 comment:
BDC, you are a national treasure. This interview was not only revealing, but very funny. I enjoyed it as much as I enjoy your work.
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