Personally Yours will give you a brief look inside your favorite authors world. We know they write smokin' books, but do they smoke with the Surgeon General and if they do, what? Are they left-handed or right handed? Take a personal look inside Author Timothy Stelly's life. Enjoy Personally Yours!

Who is Timothy N. Stelly? - I am a burgeoning poet, aspiring screenwriter, novelist and essayist. My first love is satire, but sci-fi had become my bread and butter. I am a student of writing, still learning something new and interesting about my craft.
What are you passionate about? - Other than writing and church, I believe in service to others. I help whenever and wherever I can. As for my writing, I am obsessed with presenting thought-provoking writing to the public.
Why should the world take notice of you? - I'm not a cookie-cutter sci-fi writer nor of any other genre. In HUMAN TRIAL, which is technically sci-fi, the story focus on human relations and the idea that the biggest threat to man is man, and not an unseen enemy. Even in my upcoming novel, A JUNKIE'S PARADISE, which deals with a viral outbreak, the focus is on human dynamics and man's willingness to exploit other men for their own survival.
Vanilla, Chocolate or Neopolitan? - Chocolate, rather its ice cream or ladies. I love my beautiful black women. No one has ever loved me stronger than those special beings.
at are your life rules? - Think before speaking or acting and accept responsibility for the consequences of both; Never criticize anything you don't understand, can't replace or improve. I also live by the mantra, "To whom much is given, much is expected."
u are the last man on earth with Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks. Who would you choose to procreate with and why? - Both are beautiful and strong, but I think Coretta was younger, so I'd opt for the one who will be spry the longest.
5 Favs -a. color -Green--all shades. It has always re[presented youth--translate that as promise. Plus, it reminds me of Omaha *(where I lived for 3 years) in the summer, with all its greenery.
food - Meatloaf, mac and cheese and I'm an ice cream junkie. You can probably tell as much from my photo.
movie - Hustle and Flow; though I think Do The Right Thing is the most important movie I've ever seem.
song - The original Alphonse Mouzon recording of The Next Time We Love (From his By All Means CD.)
drink - Vodka and orange juice.
Do you forgive regardless of what someone has done to you? Yes. It takes time, however. When I examine the offender's track record, I find they usually have a history of doing dirt, so I pray that there be distance between me and anyone who wants to hurt me, my family or who harbors ill will toward me. That prayer is always answered. Pver the years I've lost quite a few (so-called) friends and ex's. So be it.
If you could change your past would you? - In two areas. I graduated at sixteen, but when I attended college, I never focused on a major. If I could go back to that age, I would have attended a southern black college so I could see that part of the country and spend my youth surrounded by the folks I love most. I would have also waited to become a father. I was 18 when I became a father and by the time I was 23 had four kids and was making just enough to get us by.
Random thought - Love is blue.
Where can we find you on the net?, and I post essays sporadically at and You can "take the grand tour" and just Google "Timothy N. Stelly Sr." I'm all over the place.
12. Fill in the blank with one word - To know Timothy Stelly is to
Observe and listen to him with an open mind.