If you have read the Coldest Winter Ever and Flyy Girl and all of those other hot must reads then you are going to LOVE Wait For Love by Ms. Wanda D. Hudson. Wait For Love is a phenomenal story, which I recommend for ALL women to read regardless of their relationship status. This novel touches upon various situations that every female will embark upon sometime in her life, or come in contact with someone who has encountered some of these circumstances. This quick paced novel is very entertaining, enlightening, and easy to read While reading this novel you cant help but stop and recap about obstacles which you may have faced and how you could have handled them differently or stop to say “Thank God that I’ve never experienced that”. Regardless of who you are, where you come from, and how you were raised you will be able to take something from this novel be it as basic as the fact that you should educate your child about sex and self image, or on the more compound end of the spectrum you may realize the importance of taking one day at a time and waiting for love because as we are reminded in this story patience is truly a virtue.
Aerielle Morton
Avid Reader
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