“A Book of Pathos”
Wanda D. Hudson’s novel Wait for Love is the story of a young woman’s quest to find “Real” love while experiencing many let downs from her first love to the last. The Main character Lynnde Lee, takes us on a dramatic rollercoaster ride that spins out of control and sends the reader through loop after loop as one could not imagine the hellish nightmare she suffers at every jerky turn, all in the name of love. The story is a paradox of loneliness and despair. The over all mood is sadness. Without the unconditinal love of her best friend Esta and encouragement from her mother, how will Lynnde ever climb her way out of the emotional turmoil she constantly finds her self in and live, and does she?
I wouldn’t call Wait for Love a literary romp but a literary elevator ride with a sense of falling fast. In one scene, Lynnde has me laughing as she describes kids as “Reggedy ass kids.” In fact there are several scenes where I giggle and chuckle. However, from the moment I opened the book I felt as if I’d stumbled upon someone’s journal, sneaked a peak inside, and refused to put it down until I knew how Lynnde’s tragic life turned out. The strongest points in the story are where the author turns tragedy into comedy which is a plus for the reader in search of emotional strength and inspiration.
But, the writer doesn’t get off that easily. I had to steal one star away from this story and one star only. Let’s just say, “Wanda, girl, come on now! What “Wait for Love lacked in, setting, scenery and circa, which is the backdrop of any novel, the author made up for in personality. Nevertheless, the reader journeys through Lynnde Lee’s life and knows her pain. Lynnde knows what you’re thinking too and predicts and names your reaction which is genius. Her insight is yours for healing. You will enjoy and appreciate her musings and learn valuable life lessons throughout.
The author speaks eloquently and the message is clear, “Wait for Love!”
There’s a New York Times best selling author on the horizon. Keep your eyes open for Wanda D. Hudson!
Author BB Love
Point of View Publishing
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