I luv ya!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
A Sheltered Life
Here's a chapter from the book I was working on titled A Sheltered Life. It was depressing, so I'm sitting on it until after I release Dating Wanda. Dating Wanda is Miss Luv's comedy at its best. I may never release A Sheltered Life, but it's good, at least I know it is ^_^ and I want to share it with you.
My birth into this life was
distressed. I fell from the sky naked
and smacked the pavement like a raw wet bird. My body was broken, damaged and
beyond repair. No one in the smoking traffic stopped to come to my rescue. I
felt as if I had to run through the world this way in order to survive. No one
gave me a second look or a first for that matter. Trying to figure things out
when you don’t know where to begin or end is haunting. You keep thinking your
soul will take its last breath and save you but it doesn't. Being forced to
live is dreadful. I want to pull my life’s cord and relieve me of my misery,
but there is no cord, nor is there a map. There are no rules for me to follow.
Asking myself what to do and how to do it is fruitless. Dead vines that
intertwine and weave into a mound of choking fibers surround me. These fibers
tighten, but never do the deed.
“Adalee Johnson!”
The harsh voice startled me. I
remembered where I was although I never forgot. Invisible mystification. It was
spinning like an odium filled inferno.
Hot bewilderment that could smother me.
When I began to sweat I realized that I
had given my soul to the devil. He burned me to a crisp - leaving my body
emitting smoking rank embers for all to see and become repulsed by the smell. I
turned to face him as I stood to ask why he had chosen me. Of course no
creature was there. The devil doesn't show itself as a horned red being. It comes to you in the form of your greed. It's when you desire something so
much, or you think you do, without any regard to the consequences, is when it shows up. Realizing that you have made a
mistake only comes after you have suffered a little more than enough.
I wanted more money and more family. The
family I had wasn't good enough for me. Ray didn't produce. I cursed Teddy
before he was born and tried to destroy him as a baby. Favoritism consumed me
when it came to Ray Jr. I thought Mama was a childcare provider for me, more so
than a grandmother to my children. Greed for my selfish needs was my devil. I
continually beckoned for it and it came. It came with a vengeance. The heat it peeled my skin with told me so.
three was a dingy piece of plastic that I could barely see through. A round woman
who took short breaths while smacking gum looked up to look down
Adalee Johnson?”
here. You can get on bus number four and it'll take you to a motel a few
blocks from here. Next!”
wait.” I had questions. Please let her have my answers. “Where can I get
something to eat? I need a change of clothing and supplies to wash with. I, I…I
don’t have anything.”
of yah’ll that come here do. There are clothes and toiletries at the motel. The
bus don’t leave til six, and dinner is served at four. Next!”
what do I do in the morning? I don’t have anywhere to go.”
annoyed the woman sighed. She looked at me and saw a clinging lint ball
that she couldn't remove from her garment.
“The bus will bring you back here. You can get breakfast and then you
wait to be interviewed. Next!”
information she gave would have to suffice.
I believed if I asked her any more questions she’d have me arrested for
caring about myself. It would seem that any kind of compassion for your own
sake wasn't allowed here.
walked to the rear of the building to claim a seat in a room filled with people
like me. If they thought I was someone who deserved
their attention they were wrong. There were crying children, hungry babies, and faces that looked
hollow. We loitered
around and looked. There were men, women, and children – people standing, sitting
and just looking. Faces were sunken in from defeat. So many
stories to be told to no one who cared to listen.
at the people in this room made me think of my ancestors. I thought of their deaths for a movement that
remains at a standstill. The nineteen
sixties South isn't much different for me than the eighteen hundreds. I know
this and I wasn't even there.
my eyes allowed me to wander to a beautiful place. There was a valley of
flowers surrounded by butterflies, and a smell that was as close to heaven as I
knew. I smiled because I felt this was a vision that God had slipped past the
devil for me to see. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder.
new here?”
The pregnant female that stood before me looked to be about my age.
Her face was bruised, but her appearance neat. She didn't hold much of an odor
either, but the room was filled with so many that I really couldn't tell.
this is my first time here. I’m Adalee Johnson.”
flopped down on the hard seat next to me.
friend feels the need to explain things.
was named after my daddy, Harvey. I’m from Baltimore .” She extended her hand and we
shook lightly.
“I came down to marry and my unborn child’s
father was killed. My baby ain't gone be no bastard – his daddy was killed.”
she finished talking she sighed and looked around the room, possibly for
another topic of conversation. This was
fine with me because my response hadn't focused in my mind.
you from?”
“Alabama .”
not far from home. How’d you end up here?”
said you gotta clean up what you mess up before you can move forward. I swallowed
Miss Lillie’s taste in my mouth and said, “I fell in love with a white woman.”
shifted her misshapen body to the side. Her eyes traveled me up and down slowly
as if she had seen something about me that was cursed.
you might as well be dead.”
She didn't ask questions as to what lead to my situation. To her it didn't matter.
Harvine knew I had committed an atrocity against my race – against myself. When you are born death is imminent. Not knowing how it's going to happen is what
keeps life going. A total stranger had just saved me years of worrying about an
everlasting life serum. For me, one would never cross my lips.
don’t know anyone here.”
dignity was still riding the bus that I was kicked off of. My body was worn and
beaten, but I was still a woman. I crossed my legs and pretended that I was at
a small cafe awaiting my order of peach parfait tea and a sliver slice of pound
best not to try and make friends. Most folks here are way past their last meal.
They’ll do anything to get what they want, even if it is rightfully yours.”
I was
one of those way past last meal people.
you been here long?”
is my eighth day. Every night they shuttle me in one of the buses to a motel. I
can’t much complain. I get fed, a shower, and I have a decent bed to sleep in.”
one hand she smoothed her hair and began rubbing her belly with the other. She
looked like royalty compared to me. Her face was light with a defining bone
structure. Beauty was still fighting to be her companion, even with the bruises
it held.
I was at the window the woman said I would be interviewed. What do they want to
days had made her an expert.
ask where you from, do you have any family that can take you in and if you
work. All the personal stuff that you want to keep personal is what they want
to know.”
if you don’t have anybody?”
patted my knee to ease me.
they let you stay in a motel until you can get on your feet. With you being by
yourself you’ll have to share it with a few other women. Just be careful.”
heard Mama’s voice. Just be careful. She had said that to me the day after Ray
returned. No heed was taken to it
because he was my husband. He had come back to take care of me. Being careful wasn't one of my marriage vows. When I get myself together I’m going to rewrite
vows so other women won’t have to endure what I have put myself through.
Harvine wiggled a bit before standing. “It’s about time for the dinner bell to ring. Let’s go wait in
stomach began to rumble. Pate and Lucy’s
lunch was days gone. I didn't have much back in Alabama , but an empty stomach was never one
of my assets.
and elegance were traits that I never had use for. Maybe one day, when I had my own home and
servants, they would appear. That day was pushed back as I made my way to the
dinner line. I didn't know any of these people and hunger didn't allow me to be
concerned. Everyone else became as savage as I was. There was pushing without
force. It was either strangers or I, and I refused
to go to bed another night with hunger as my bed partner.
held onto my ragged garment as we made our way to the kitchen area. I heard her
saying that she had been pushed to the rear a few times and only received a
minimal portion of food. Hunger forces you to become a predator. When I was
close enough to see steam coming from containers and could actually smell
edible offerings, I moved faster.
lady, damn! You ain't the only one hungry!”
heard that along with the words starving bitch, stankin’ whore and homeless
wench. I didn't care. Food was what I needed to save me. I wasn't ready for that imminent death to
claim me.
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Author Tina Brooks-McKinney!
I met Tina via Yahoo a LONG time ago. We bonded over a publishing mishap, which actually turned out to be a blessing for both of us. Tina is my inspiration in that she has persevered and has written a plethora of books! She's also my motivation to keep writing. Please take a few minutes to get to know my friend, Author Tina Brooks-McKinney!
1. Who is Tina Brooks-McKinney? A story teller. I weave tails about characters you learn to love
or hate. I place those characters in real life situations where they either
grow from it or die.
2. What are you passionate about? Reality TV, it’s a great tool for character development and
conflict resolution. (Pop a witch).
3. Which one of your books would you suggest to Michelle Obama
and why? Deep Deception. These
days she doesn't know who she’s sitting down with. This book will make you look
at everyone around you twice.
4. The O'Jays or Earth Wind and Fire? They are both okay but can I get some Uncle
Charlie up in here?
5. What are your life rules? 1. Treat people the same way I’d like them to treat my children. I’m
all about making it fair even though this seems like an impossible task today. 2.
Never be afraid to run. There is no shame in getting out of the way, only a
fool stands there.
6. What advice would you give to an aspiring author? Don’t be afraid to ask questions, some of us will actually tell you the truth. If someone avoids the questions or tries to dazzle you with BS, they are probably lying.
7. 5 Favs -
a. color - green
b. food – crabs, shrimp
c. movie – Steel Magnolia
d. song – I’m in love with K Michelle’s new album. All of them except the coochie song.
e. drink - Lemonade
8. What is the worst experience you've had as an author? These questions are getting deep. I really want to be honest here without getting sued for telling the truth.
9. If you could change your past would you? If I could come back skinny, I’d sign up for
that. I’d zap that fat DNA right out of my system.
10. Random thought – I’m a firm believer in karma. People can’t
keep stealing their way to success. Eventually, they will have to pay and I
hope I have a front row seat to watch with some popcorn and a drink.
11. Where can we find you on the net? Tina McKinney Tina McKinney on FB, Twitter(which I’m still learning how to operate), my email at tybrooks2@yahoo.com. There are other social
networks that I’m connected to but I check the above daily.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Hollywood Here I Come!
Hollywood get ready! Well, not reallly, but ya girl has been cast as Olivia in the female version of The Odd Couple! Yah'll pray that I remember my lines! I have 3 months to get ready soooooooo...hehehehe The 1st show will be January 16th and held at the Albany JCC. Thanks to Iris Singer of http://iristhedirector.com/ for seeing something that I haven't seen just yet ^_~
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
NEW BOOK - A Woman's Worth
Author Chicki Brown has just released her latest book, A Woman's Worth. Check out a short blurb and excerpt below! One lucky reader will receive a free book! All you have to do is leave a comment for your chance to win! Enjoy!
http://amzn.to/12PktK4Coming soon to Nook, Kobo and Smashwords!Coming soon to Nook, Kobo and Smashwords!Nook - http://bit.ly/1dTlshd
School media specialist, Gianne Marvray, has been through the worst two years of her life physically and emotionally. After a battle with cancer and all it entails, she is finally ready to start living her life again. She wants to see new places, meet new people and experience new things, but she isn’t ready for the rollercoaster ride she’s about to embark on when she meets Las Vegas personal trainer and raw vegan foods advocate, Marc Stafford.
After a four year absence, Marc comes home to Atlanta to attend a family celebration in one of his brother’s honor. He’s not thrilled about seeing his father, but he has promised his mother that he won’t throw off the family balance by being the only one of their six sons absent. All Marc wants to do is make an appearance at the event and spend a little time with his brothers. Little does he know that this is the night he will meet the woman who will forever change his life.
The Stafford brothers arrived one by one later that evening at the trendy eatery and drew appreciative glances from the female patrons as they entered. Charles had asked for seating on the patio, and once all six men were present, a hostess showed them to red-cushioned cane sofas and chairs beneath large white umbrellas. The subdued lighting and gently waving live palms reminded Marc of Vegas. With their drinks ordered, he addressed his brothers. “I wanted us to get together without all the extra relatives around. Greg’s leaving tomorrow night, and we won’t be able to get out of going with Mama and Daddy for dinner after church.” The sound of deep male laughter filled the warm evening air.
“It’s been a while since all six of us were together,” Vic said, reaching for his scotch from the tray delivered to them by a smiling waitress. The brothers exchanged glances as she presented their beverages to each of them but didn’t speak until she was gone.
“If she’d bent over any farther, those boobs would’ve been in our drinks!” Greg said, eliciting a howl from the others.
“You think she wanted something?” Greg said with a laugh.
Vic shook his head. “No doubt. But even if I wasn’t married, that’s too young for my blood.”
“She was pretty,” Marc added with a wide grin. “And she looks about Nick’s age.”
Nick’s Bahamian blue eyes widened. “Who said I’m interested? I’m not the only single man here.”
“Well, I have my hands full already. Greg’s going back to New York, and Marc’s been hit by the thunderbolt. That just leaves you, Nick,” Charles declared as his brothers roared with laughter.
“I knew something was going on with him and Gianne,” Jesse grumbled. “How long have you known her, man?”
Marc glared at him, well aware of what was coming next. “What difference does it make?”
“I’m just trying to figure out what kind of mistake he’s getting ready to make this time.”
Vic raised a hand to signal their buxom server. “Ease up, Jess. I think you need a refill.” When she approached, he asked her to bring another round for the group.
“That’s okay, Vic. He can’t help it,” Marc said in the most sarcastic tone he could muster. “He’s stuck with a miserable pregnant woman, and he has to take it out on somebody.”
“And you came riding in here on your white horse thinking you could fix that too,” Jesse snapped with a sneer.
Marc set his sparkling water on the table and met Jesse eye to eye. “What is your problem, man? Are you still really stuck in five-year-old mode? Well, I’m sorry my heart surgery messed with your fairy tale image of what life was supposed to be."
A couple of restaurant staff appeared with their dinner just in time. “Come on, guys,” Vic implored. “Let’s move to a table and try to have a civil meal, okay?”
http://amzn.to/12PktK4Coming soon to Nook, Kobo and Smashwords!Coming soon to Nook, Kobo and Smashwords!Nook - http://bit.ly/1dTlshd
Monday, August 05, 2013
Thursday, August 01, 2013
The Intended Fool
I intended to go into a bank and rob it. Starting out with the wrong intentions will lead you to a disaster that you're responsible for. Every aspect of that disaster belongs to you. What freed me is the fact that I said I felt threatened when the guard approached me. Of course I have no business going into a bank to rob it, but when you put shit in motion a whole lotta shit happens that you have to deal with. Now what if I did something to the security guard? How would I defend my self against that? I didn't intend for it to happen, but he had no business doing his job and protecting the bank.
Its like going over to someone to whoop their ass and they beat you instead. You call the police and they get arrested. Your bad intentions to' someone else up. Po' you wit'cha dumbass. Someone looks suspicious because they have red hair so you step to them with your "intentions" to do right. Another ass beating for you yet they get arrested. Yo' ass ain't nothing but trouble. Maybe you should mind your business and let the professionals handle it. Its to late for that now, though. See, you have rights. You have the right to protect yourself even though your intentions were wrong from the start. WOW...only in America. For real...ONLY in America.
Back in the day black men wore dress shoes and suits topped off with a brim. They were harassed because someone didn't approve of the way they looked. Whether dressed up or not black just doesn't look good to some people. Well only if its swinging from a tree. Intentions can be real messed up sometime.
This post gave me a HARD time. I started writing it 2 weeks ago and couldn't get my words or feelings to coincide. I still can't get them together. Gotta keep on pushin' and praying for things to change that you kinda know never will. So why keep on? Life is good, even with bad intentions. People will always lie, cheat, steal, deny and kill. Change may never change. Still I must say that we have to take responsibility for our actions...our intentions. The intended fool should never win.
Its like going over to someone to whoop their ass and they beat you instead. You call the police and they get arrested. Your bad intentions to' someone else up. Po' you wit'cha dumbass. Someone looks suspicious because they have red hair so you step to them with your "intentions" to do right. Another ass beating for you yet they get arrested. Yo' ass ain't nothing but trouble. Maybe you should mind your business and let the professionals handle it. Its to late for that now, though. See, you have rights. You have the right to protect yourself even though your intentions were wrong from the start. WOW...only in America. For real...ONLY in America.
Back in the day black men wore dress shoes and suits topped off with a brim. They were harassed because someone didn't approve of the way they looked. Whether dressed up or not black just doesn't look good to some people. Well only if its swinging from a tree. Intentions can be real messed up sometime.
This post gave me a HARD time. I started writing it 2 weeks ago and couldn't get my words or feelings to coincide. I still can't get them together. Gotta keep on pushin' and praying for things to change that you kinda know never will. So why keep on? Life is good, even with bad intentions. People will always lie, cheat, steal, deny and kill. Change may never change. Still I must say that we have to take responsibility for our actions...our intentions. The intended fool should never win.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
PhotoShake Overload!
Yoooooo, PhotoShake will make anybody think they're a photographer! Who needs the paparazzi - I'll take pics my dayum self! Owwwwwwww^_~
Monday, July 22, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Somebody's Child
Regardless of what side you take in the George Zimmerman trial a child is dead. Good child or bad child I don't know. I do know that somebody's child is dead. We're all somebody's child. What would somebody's child have to do to you to make you kill them? Look at you "funny"? Have on clothes that you don't deem appropriate? Run the wrong race in the right neighborhood? An Asian man jogging in the Puerto Rican section of town is grounds to kill him right? Well, why was he running? Did he just rob someone? That kind don't belong here. 2013 where you at? No, really, where are you?
We all need to think a few times before passing judgement. Gabrielle Douglas' hair in the Olympics. Rachel Jeantel on the stand. We're the first ones to tune in and watch The Real Housewives of _____, Love & Hip Hop, Maury Whose Dat Baby's Daddy? Line by line critiques of award shows - do you see what she has on? You ugly, you stupid...bitch please. Get Paula Deen! Yeah, uh, how many people were killed in Chicago in one weekend? Every stray bullet has a name. We just don't know it until it hits someone. We shall overcome my ass.
Attacking somebody's child because they don't look normal. What is normal? 2 men? 2 women? Black and white? Missionary? Threesome? Normal doesn't even know what normal looks like. Everyone is fighting for their American Dream. No immigrants, no women, whites only and oh no you didn't just say the N-Word? But you said it? But I can because...
There is always something wrong with your reason for what you think is right. Different opinions make sure of that. You better understand that if someone dies as a result of your reason you're going to have to answer to a whole lot of somebodies. I haven't followed the trial; media in the courtroom is ridiculous. No one is all right or all wrong, but if you have to defend yourself for your right maybe it was just a little wrong. Maybe something about your right should be changed. Look in the mirror and judge somebody's child. Do you like it? No? Well get used to it. I guarantee you somebody's child is judging you.
We all need to think a few times before passing judgement. Gabrielle Douglas' hair in the Olympics. Rachel Jeantel on the stand. We're the first ones to tune in and watch The Real Housewives of _____, Love & Hip Hop, Maury Whose Dat Baby's Daddy? Line by line critiques of award shows - do you see what she has on? You ugly, you stupid...bitch please. Get Paula Deen! Yeah, uh, how many people were killed in Chicago in one weekend? Every stray bullet has a name. We just don't know it until it hits someone. We shall overcome my ass.
Attacking somebody's child because they don't look normal. What is normal? 2 men? 2 women? Black and white? Missionary? Threesome? Normal doesn't even know what normal looks like. Everyone is fighting for their American Dream. No immigrants, no women, whites only and oh no you didn't just say the N-Word? But you said it? But I can because...
There is always something wrong with your reason for what you think is right. Different opinions make sure of that. You better understand that if someone dies as a result of your reason you're going to have to answer to a whole lot of somebodies. I haven't followed the trial; media in the courtroom is ridiculous. No one is all right or all wrong, but if you have to defend yourself for your right maybe it was just a little wrong. Maybe something about your right should be changed. Look in the mirror and judge somebody's child. Do you like it? No? Well get used to it. I guarantee you somebody's child is judging you.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Everybody Needs A Little Luv Comedy Contest
Capital Region Comedians Get Ready!
The Everybody Needs A Little Luv Comedy Contest is looking for YOU!
$2 Entry Fee + 6 Comedians + 15 Minutes = $300 Bones!
And consolation prizes! YAY! Well, not really, but it sure sounds good! If you're interested please post a link to where I can see you do ya thang in the comments!
Yeah...everybody needs a little luv^_~
Friday, June 28, 2013
So, Uh, Yea...I'm Not Going To Boston, BUT...
I sure look cute trying to get there! My bid to win the Boston Comedy Festival started and ended last night; waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....Hey, what ain't for you ain't for you. I did get a great idea from it, though! I'm on my way, baby! DING ^_~
I luv ya
I luv ya
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
When Life Leaves You
When I saw this picture my stomach began to churn. Why does a father's face have to look like this? The word that shouldn't be in the sentence is have. This didn't have to happen. Actions...decisions...reactions...pain. Nothing that will happen in the coming days will be for the good. Each family involved will lose. Life as they knew it is gone. Life is about change, but when it leaves us its about adjusting to a new normal. Normal isn't supposed to be new. Its supposed to be normal.
Pick sides, point the finger and cast the blame. Through it all this family has to keep on living. How do you keep on living when life leaves you?
I luv you
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Boston Comedy Festival Here I Come!
Well, I have to make a stop first...come see me Thursday, June 27 at 6:30PM at The Comedy Works! 500 Northern Blvd, Albany NY 12204! Tickets are $5! Click the link and come get a little luv ^_~
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Miss WandaLuv's YouTube Channel!
Click the link and get a little luv! Yeah...one day I'll have my own show - Everybody Needs A Little Luv ^_~
Thursday, June 13, 2013
I'm Still His Baby Girl
With Father's Day approaching I've been thinking alot about my father. When he died in 2008 a few things that I was afraid of happening were that I'd forget the way his voice sounded, and that I'd never be anyone's baby girl. Well, wallah! God is good, life is grand (yeah, even with all the extra shit) and I'm aight! Not only do I remember and hear my father's voice loud and clear, I'm still his baby girl! I feel so much love from my daddy and it's a blessing!
Memories are a great thing to have. They may not all be good, but they make you realize that life is definitely for the living and there is a lesson in there somewhere. One lesson that's a funny memory now - it was NOT funny when it happened, was about men. This guy wanted to date me and my father said he had to ask his permission first. I was so excited that my father was going to let me have a boyfriend! Hail naw...I mean HAIL to the mo'fo-in' naw! The boy came to my house and Bobby James cussed him out Harlem Nights style! He then turned to me and said, "And don't bring no more sorry ass, insert racial epithet here, to my house!" The lesson that I just recently learned - Baby girl you can't pick no man. Why do you always pick the sorry ones? What is wrong with you? Sorry, Fred.
Once my father asked me if I could braid. I said yes and them proceeded to knot his hair up. My mother stayed up half the night fixing his fro. Lesson? Don't lie. Other folks always suffer from your lies.
Every time we went grocery shopping I wanted to push the cart. I always followed behind my father too close and hit his heels. He never yelled at me but gave me the "look" instead. Lesson? Slow yo' ass down! People get to' up when you're in a hurry to go no where. I think that's why I'm such a good driver (^_^)
I have so many memories. Shultz, Seymore and Fritz. My father made sure his baby girl had a dog. Music, chicken and my momma's nasty molasses cookies. Plaid pants, white shoes and cussin'. All of it was topped of with nothing but love. I still love him, I still miss him and I'm still his baby girl! Wow...Happy Father's Day, Dads - somebody loves you!
I luv you
Memories are a great thing to have. They may not all be good, but they make you realize that life is definitely for the living and there is a lesson in there somewhere. One lesson that's a funny memory now - it was NOT funny when it happened, was about men. This guy wanted to date me and my father said he had to ask his permission first. I was so excited that my father was going to let me have a boyfriend! Hail naw...I mean HAIL to the mo'fo-in' naw! The boy came to my house and Bobby James cussed him out Harlem Nights style! He then turned to me and said, "And don't bring no more sorry ass, insert racial epithet here, to my house!" The lesson that I just recently learned - Baby girl you can't pick no man. Why do you always pick the sorry ones? What is wrong with you? Sorry, Fred.
Once my father asked me if I could braid. I said yes and them proceeded to knot his hair up. My mother stayed up half the night fixing his fro. Lesson? Don't lie. Other folks always suffer from your lies.
Every time we went grocery shopping I wanted to push the cart. I always followed behind my father too close and hit his heels. He never yelled at me but gave me the "look" instead. Lesson? Slow yo' ass down! People get to' up when you're in a hurry to go no where. I think that's why I'm such a good driver (^_^)
I have so many memories. Shultz, Seymore and Fritz. My father made sure his baby girl had a dog. Music, chicken and my momma's nasty molasses cookies. Plaid pants, white shoes and cussin'. All of it was topped of with nothing but love. I still love him, I still miss him and I'm still his baby girl! Wow...Happy Father's Day, Dads - somebody loves you!
I luv you
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Baby Fat Q&A
Q - What is baby fat?
A- My scientific conclusion is a baby is simply a scrunched up adult, so what we call baby fat is just skin that hasn't had a chance to attach itself to a bone yet.
YR - You, know what, Wanda, that makes so much sense!
Q - How long can you have baby fat?
A - Well, I think since we never stop growing you can have baby fat your entire life. The fat hasn't latched on to a home yet and it just hangs around...and around...and around. So stop saying you have weight issues - it's baby fat! My kangaroo pouch that can't carry anything but extra weight - I love you!
YR - You, know what, Wanda, that makes so much sense!
Q - What about the fat that hangs from my arms? I can't get it toned or tightened up at all!
A - Have you ever saw a baby do push ups or lift weights? Some things aren't realistic. You have to train baby fat in its infancy to do what you want it to do. Now who in their right mind is going to make a little baby exercise?
YR - You, know what, Wanda, that makes so much sense!
Q - So what you're saying is this isn't fat, its baby fat?
A - YES! Your fatass isn't a fatass - its a baby fatass! Embrace it and love it! The next time my doctor says I need to lose weight I'm gonna slap him! Fool, this is baby fat! Get the &^%*)(($##@@ outta here with that!
YR - Wow...I'm gonna do that too! That makes so much sense!
Go forth and conquer wit'cha fat...oh, baby fatass'! Tight clothes, loose cleavage and buffets betta watch out! Oooooooooooowwww ^_~
Q - Question
A - Answer
YR - You're Right
A- My scientific conclusion is a baby is simply a scrunched up adult, so what we call baby fat is just skin that hasn't had a chance to attach itself to a bone yet.
YR - You, know what, Wanda, that makes so much sense!
Q - How long can you have baby fat?
A - Well, I think since we never stop growing you can have baby fat your entire life. The fat hasn't latched on to a home yet and it just hangs around...and around...and around. So stop saying you have weight issues - it's baby fat! My kangaroo pouch that can't carry anything but extra weight - I love you!
YR - You, know what, Wanda, that makes so much sense!
Q - What about the fat that hangs from my arms? I can't get it toned or tightened up at all!
A - Have you ever saw a baby do push ups or lift weights? Some things aren't realistic. You have to train baby fat in its infancy to do what you want it to do. Now who in their right mind is going to make a little baby exercise?
YR - You, know what, Wanda, that makes so much sense!
Q - So what you're saying is this isn't fat, its baby fat?
A - YES! Your fatass isn't a fatass - its a baby fatass! Embrace it and love it! The next time my doctor says I need to lose weight I'm gonna slap him! Fool, this is baby fat! Get the &^%*)(($##@@ outta here with that!
YR - Wow...I'm gonna do that too! That makes so much sense!
Go forth and conquer wit'cha fat...oh, baby fatass'! Tight clothes, loose cleavage and buffets betta watch out! Oooooooooooowwww ^_~
And for the record baby fat is a beautiful thang!
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Me and my girls, Dasia on the left and Diana on the right |
A - Answer
YR - You're Right
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Sheltered Life
I was working on a book called, A Sheltered Life. It was so depressing that I put it on hold and began writing a comedy called, Dating Wanda. Why this particular piece came to mind I don't know, but I want to share it with you. It may have come to mind because a shift if going on in my life - a good shift, and I need to let some things and my anger towards some people go.
My birth into this life was distressed. I fell from the sky naked and smacked the pavement like a raw wet bird. My body was broken, damaged and beyond repair. No one in the smoking traffic stopped to come to my rescue. I felt as if I had to run through the world this way in order to survive. No one gave me a second look or a first for that matter. Trying to figure things out when you don’t know where to begin or end is haunting. You keep thinking your soul will take its last breath and save you, but it doesn’t. Being forced to live is dreadful. I want to pull my life’s cord and relieve me of my misery, but there is no cord, nor is there a map. There are no rules for me to follow. Asking myself what to do and how to do it is fruitless. Dead vines that intertwine and weave into a mound of choking fibers surround me. These fibers tighten, yet never do the deed.
My birth into this life was distressed. I fell from the sky naked and smacked the pavement like a raw wet bird. My body was broken, damaged and beyond repair. No one in the smoking traffic stopped to come to my rescue. I felt as if I had to run through the world this way in order to survive. No one gave me a second look or a first for that matter. Trying to figure things out when you don’t know where to begin or end is haunting. You keep thinking your soul will take its last breath and save you, but it doesn’t. Being forced to live is dreadful. I want to pull my life’s cord and relieve me of my misery, but there is no cord, nor is there a map. There are no rules for me to follow. Asking myself what to do and how to do it is fruitless. Dead vines that intertwine and weave into a mound of choking fibers surround me. These fibers tighten, yet never do the deed.
“Adalee Johnson!”
The harsh voice startled me. I
remembered where I was although I never forgot.
Invisible mystification. It was
spinning like an odium filled inferno.
Hot bewilderment that could smother me.
When I began to sweat I realized that I
had given my soul to the devil. He burned me to a crisp and left my body
emitting smoking rank embers for all to see and become repulsed by the smell. I
turned to face him as I stood to ask why he had chosen me. Of course no
creature was there. The devil doesn’t show himself as a horned red being. He
comes to you in the form of your greed. It is when you desire something so
much, or you think you do, without any regard to the consequences, is when he
shows up. Realizing that you have made a
mistake only comes after you have suffered a little more than enough.
I wanted more money and more family. The family I had wasn’t good enough for me. Ray didn’t produce. I cursed Teddy before he was born and tried to destroy him as a baby. Favoritism consumed me when it came to Ray Jr. I thought Mama was a childcare provider for me, more so than a grandmother to my children. Greed for my selfish needs was my devil. I continually beckoned for him and he came. He came with a vengeance. The heat he peeled my skin with showed me.
Window three was a dingy piece of plastic that I could barely see through. A round sweaty woman who took short breaths and smacked and cracked gum looked up to look down again.
“You Adalee Johnson?”
“Sign here. You can get on bus number four and it will take you to a motel a few blocks from here. Next!”
“Miss, wait.” I had questions. Please let her have my answers. “Where can I get something to eat? I need a change of clothing and supplies to wash with. I, I…I don’t have anything.”
“None of yah’ll that come here do. There are clothes and toiletries at the motel. The bus don’t leave til six, and dinner is served at four. Next!”
“But what do I do in the morning? I don’t have anywhere to go.”
Clearly aggravated the woman sighed. She looked at me and saw a walking lint ball that she couldn’t remove from her garment. “The bus will bring you back here. You can get breakfast and then you wait to be interviewed. Next!”
The information she gave would have to suffice. I believed if I asked her any more questions she’d have me arrested for caring about myself. It would seem that any kind of compassion for your own sake wasn’t allowed here.
I walked to the rear of the building to claim a seat in a room filled with people like me. If they thought I was someone who deserved their attention they were wrong. There were crying children, hungry babies, and faces that looked hollow. We loitered around and looked. There were men, women, and children – people standing, sitting and just looking. Faces were sunken in from defeat. So many stories to be told to no one who cared to listen.
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