1. Who is Niama Williams? - Niama Leslie Williams, Ph.D. is a bright, intelligent woman who never forgot her community on the way to and through the doctoral process. She still wants to write work that her aunt, a day worker all of her life, could read and be empowered by. She also wants those who have survived childhood trauma to know that love, passion, and bliss are possible, no matter what you have encountered as a child. She writes about her life to uplift and empower.
2. What are you passionate about? - Letting people know that the Universe is a benevolent place and that God LOVES giving us our heart's desires. Desire means "of the sire." If we make God number one in our universe, He will give us the wisdom and insight we need to not just survive, but THRIVE. If we focus on that still small voice within and DO WHAT IT TELLS US TO DO, we will inherit the kingdom right here, this incarnation.
3. Why should the world take notice of you? - The world needs to take notice of the word of God and live according to Biblical principles. I am only noteworthy in how I help others cease their suffering. I try my best to do that with my writing. I tell my story, and the triumphs of my story, so that others will know that pain, any pain, is survivable and does not have to kill us. The Lord is there for us specifically during times of trial. On July 27th, 2010, I was faced with no place to live and no source of income. Today, August 12th, not two full weeks later, I have two business opportunities and a home until I start bringing in regular paychecks. If that isn't God being there for me in time of trial, I don't know what is! Be encouraged!!!!
4. Do you like a man that's hard-boiled (take charge) or soft scrambled (yes dear)? - I like a man who says "Yes, Dear" when he means it, but who is no pushover. Gentle, but not weak.
5. What are your life rules?
When in doubt, pray.
When rejoicing, praise the Lord.
Before asking, give thanks.
When tears come, think about whom you can help.
And when you really need to cry, let yourself. Tears are cleansing and often necessary.
Forgive in ways that cause you no further pain. Distance is not always a bad thing.
Love without bound and be optimistic. Your perspective really does effect your reality.
6. If you could only do 2 things until the day you died what would they be?
Love the man God has sent to me forever and ever amen, and bear his children.
7. 5 Favs -
a. color: red first, peach second, beige third
b. food: cheesecake, hands down
c. movie: The Wild Wild World, Prince of Tides, Nutz, What Dreams May Come, Field of Dreams
d. song: As Sure As I'm Standing Here by Barry Manilow
e. drink: Mocha Cappucino by Bolthouse Farms
8. Do you forgive regardless of what someone has done to you? - No. I am a bit like the elephant; I don’t forget. When I find it hard to forgive someone, I begin to pray about it, and often I find that I move toward forgiveness without knowing it. This is one area in which I am not perfect, but awareness of it means I turn to prayer to address my imperfections.
9. If you could change your past would you? - No. My past has made me sensitive to and understanding of the pain of others. It is also the one thing that helped me understand the pain of my beloved. We had similar wounds and this allowed us to trust each other more easily and made it easier for him to reveal long-suffering that he had not shared with others.
10. Your life is on the big screen. What is it rated and why? - R. I've been through a lot and seen much, and I would want the unvarnished truth told so that others are helped and know that they are not alone. That is the one goal of my writing: to convince those suffering that they are not alone, that someone else has been through it before them and survived it, and that there is a silver lining, a reward, a good life awaiting those who persevere.
11. Where can we find you on the net? - I am thrilled to have folks go to Blowing Up Barriers because I have a special offer running through September 15th, 2010: check out my homepage for details. I also publish an email newsletter through aweber.com; signup is on my website (archives: http://www.aweber.com/z/article/?drnisnews ). Just look for the newsletter link. Finally, you can find my radio show on BlogTalkRadio ; I’d love to have listeners join us for the spiritual leaders, entrepreneurs, and authors who join us every Friday at 1 p.m. And you, Ms. Hudson, will have to join me with your new book soon!!!!
12. Fill in the blank with one word: To know Niama Williams is to be empowered by Niama Williams.