Please click on to Wanda's Way Sunday, December 16th at 12 NOON EST!
This is the show that you all have been waiting for - its the -
Everybody Needs A Little Luv Show!
Are you lonely this holiday? Broke? Tired? Hungry?
Don't worry, WandaLuv has got YOU!
Listen in and hear some of your favorite luv songs that bring back SEXY memories!
Why did he leave you? Why did she cheat? Who cares!
WandaLuv has got YOU!
Call in and tell me all about it
Don't forget to add Wanda's Way as a favorite Blog Talk Radio Show!
Everybody Needs A Little Luv - get some of yours Wanda's Way!
Wanda D. Hudson
Wait for Love: A Black Girl's Story
LuvMe - Because Everybody Needs A Little Luv - January 2008
Uhm, Blog Talk Radio has never been so SEXY
Contributing Author -
Chocolate Flava 2 - February 2008
Missionary No More: Purple Panties 2 - November 2008