Hello all you fabulous, spoken word artists! Next week on Wanda's Way is your day! Sunday, December 2nd at 12 NOON EST show the world how you flow!
Poetry Pro's is the title and I would love to have you call in and promote yourself!
Sunday, December 2nd at 12 NOON EST
Recite a few verses, shout out your website! Tell us why your passion for words makes us weak!
Everybody Needs A Little Luv - get some of yours Wanda's Way!
Wanda D. Hudson
Wait for Love: A Black Girl's Story
LuvMe - Because Everybody Needs A Little Luv - January 2008
Uhm, Blog Talk Radio has never been so SEXY
http://www.blogtalk radio.com/ wandasway
Contributing Author -
Chocolate Flava 2 - February 2008
Missionary No More: Purple Panties 2 - November 2008